November 30, 2023

Florida Child Relocation After Divorce: Legal Requirements and FAQs

When it comes to relocating with a child after a divorce in Florida, understanding the legal requirements is crucial to ensure compliance with the law and protect both parents’ and the child’s best interests. This FAQ-style article sheds light on the complex laws surrounding child relocation, answering commonly asked questions that parents may have throughout the process. From seeking consent to determine an appropriate relocation distance, we aim to help parents navigate the challenging process while staying within the boundaries of Florida law.

As each family’s circumstances are unique, it is essential to take the necessary steps required by Florida’s child relocation statutes on a case-by-case basis. By educating yourself on these requirements, you will be better prepared to make informed decisions that prioritize your child’s well-being and ensure your family’s legal protection throughout the process.

1: Understanding Florida’s Child Relocation Laws

Florida’s child relocation laws are governed by Florida Statute § 61.13001, which outlines the requirements and procedures for relocating with a child after a divorce or the establishment of a parenting plan. The primary purpose of these laws is to protect the rights of both parents and the best interests of the child while ensuring compliance with existing custody and visitation agreements. It’s important to note that relocation doesn’t only apply to moves out of state, but also to moves within the state of Florida that exceed 50 miles from the current residence and last for 60 days or longer.

2: Seeking Consent for Child Relocation

Before relocating with a child in Florida, the relocating parent must first attempt to obtain written consent from the other parent. This process involves providing the following information:

  1. A description of the proposed new residence, including the physical address and mailing address, if different.
  2. The home telephone number of the new residence.
  3. The date of the intended move or proposed relocation.
  4. A brief statement of the specific reasons for the proposed relocation.
  5. A proposal for the revised visitation schedule, including transportation arrangements, to facilitate ongoing contact between the child and the non-relocating parent.

If both parents agree to the relocation and sign a written agreement that includes the above information and reflects the consent of both parties, the court typically approves the relocation without a hearing, provided it serves the best interests of the child.

3: Petitioning the Court for Child Relocation

In cases where the non-relocating parent does not consent to the move, the relocating parent must file a Petition to Relocate with the court. The petition should include the aforementioned details regarding the new residence, reasons for the move, and proposed visitation schedule. Additionally, the petition must be served to the non-relocating parent, who then has 20 days to file a response if they object to the relocation.

Failing to comply with these requirements may result in the court ordering the return of the child and potentially modifying the custody and visitation arrangements in favor of the non-relocating parent.

4: Factors that Influence the Court’s Decision on Child Relocation

If the non-relocating parent objects to the move, and the matter proceeds to court, the court will consider several factors to determine whether the relocation is in the child’s best interests. These factors include, but are not limited to:

  1. The nature, quality, extent of involvement, and duration of the child’s relationship with both the relocating and non-relocating parent, as well as any siblings or other significant persons in the child’s life.
  2. The child’s age, developmental stage, and needs, as well as the potential impact of the relocation on the child’s educational, emotional, and physical development.
  3. The feasibility of preserving the relationship between the non-relocating parent and the child through a revised visitation schedule, considering the financial and logistical challenges involved.
  4. The child’s preference, if the child is of sufficient age and maturity to express a preference.
  5. The reasons provided by each parent for seeking or opposing the relocation.
  6. The current employment and economic circumstances of each parent and the extent to which the relocation is necessary to improve their financial situation.
  7. The degree to which the relocating parent’s proposed move will enhance the general quality of life for both the parent and the child, including better educational opportunities, job prospects, and support from extended family members.

Ultimately, the court must weigh these factors and determine whether the proposed relocation serves the best interests of the child involved.

5: Temporary Orders and Emergency Situations

In some cases, the court may issue temporary orders regarding child relocation. These orders are intended to address immediate concerns and provide short-term solutions while the court considers the circumstances of the case. For instance, the court may temporarily assign custody of the child to the relocating parent pending a final hearing on the matter.

In emergency situations—such as instances of abuse or the imminent threat of harm to the child —a parent may petition the court for an expedited review of the relocation request. The court may grant a temporary relocation order based on the circumstances, subject to further review and a subsequent determination that aligns with the child’s best interests.

6: Enforcement of Child Relocation Orders in Florida

Once a court has issued a child relocation order, both parents must abide by its terms or risk being held in contempt of court. Violations of relocation orders can lead to significant legal consequences, including the imposition of fines or even incarceration. Moreover, the court may revisit the child custody and visitation arrangements to reflect the parent’s noncompliance with Florida law.

As child relocation after a divorce in Florida is a complex and often contentious process, it’s crucial to consult with an experienced family law attorney who can guide you through the legal requirements and help ensure that your rights and your child’s interests are protected.

Trust Dorsey Law Jax with Your Child Relocation Matters

In conclusion, understanding and adhering to Florida’s child relocation laws is paramount in safeguarding the rights of both parents and the best interests of the child. The intricate legal procedures involved in relocating with a child after a divorce may seem daunting, but enlisting the help of an experienced family law attorney can alleviate much of the stress and uncertainty.

At Dorsey Law Jax, our dedicated attorneys possess extensive experience in handling child relocation matters and navigating the complexities of Florida family law. Reach out to our compassionate team today to schedule a consultation and receive the guidance you need for a successful and well-informed relocation process that prioritizes your precious family bond. Let us help you protect your rights and your child’s future.

November 30, 2023

Understanding Collaborative Divorce – A More Amicable Family Law Dispute Resolution Method in Florida

Divorce can be a stressful and emotionally draining experience, often leading to contentious battles in court and long-lasting animosity among family members. However, not every divorce has to be a bitter fight. Collaborative divorce presents an alternative approach to resolving family law disputes and encourages spouses to work together to reach mutually agreeable solutions. At Dorsey Law Jax, our experienced family law attorneys are well-versed in the collaborative divorce process and committed to helping clients in Florida find amicable resolutions in their divorce cases.

This comprehensive guide will discuss the underlying principles of collaborative divorce, how the process works, the benefits of choosing this non-adversarial approach, and when it might be the right choice for you and your family. Collaboration in divorce can often lead to more satisfying outcomes for spouses and help preserve their emotional well-being, while focusing on preserving family relationships and reaching a resolution that benefits all involved parties.

Our goal is to provide valuable insights into the collaborative divorce process, helping you make informed decisions for your family’s future. By understanding the intricacies of collaborative divorce and enlisting the right support, you can navigate your divorce in a more compassionate and respectful manner, minimizing conflict while paving the way for a smoother transition into the next chapter of your life.

1: The Core Principles of Collaborative Divorce

Collaborative divorce is an alternative dispute resolution method, designed to minimize conflict and encourage cooperation. This approach is built on the following core principles:

1. Voluntary Participation: Both parties must willingly choose to participate in the collaborative divorce process and commit to working together to resolve their disputes outside the courtroom.

2. Mutual Respect: Spouses need to approach the process with a spirit of respect and open communication, focusing on finding solutions that benefit everyone involved.

3. Transparency: Full disclosure and transparency are crucial to the success of collaborative divorce. Both parties must be willing to share all relevant information to facilitate fair negotiations.

4. Confidentiality: All discussions and negotiations during the collaborative divorce process are confidential, encouraging open and honest communication between spouses.

By adhering to these principles, spouses can work together constructively and foster a supportive environment for resolving disputes.

2: The Collaborative Divorce Process in Florida

The collaborative divorce process typically involves the following key steps:

1. Retaining Collaborative Attorneys: Each spouse hires a specially trained collaborative attorney to represent their interests and provide legal advice throughout the process.

2. Collaboration Agreement Signing: Spouses and their attorneys sign a participation agreement, which outlines the collaborative process guidelines and confirms their commitment to resolving issues outside of court.

3. Collaborative Meetings: The parties participate in a series of joint meetings, discussing and negotiating the resolution of issues such as property division, child custody, support, and parenting time. These meetings may also involve other team members, such as financial professionals, mental health coaches, or child specialists, who can provide further guidance and support.

4. Reaching Agreements: Once the parties have reached a mutually satisfactory agreement on all matters, the attorneys draft a Marital Settlement Agreement or Parenting Plan, reflecting the negotiated terms.

5. Court Approval: The signed agreement is then submitted to the court, which reviews and approves the terms, making them legally binding and finalizing the divorce process.

The collaborative divorce process is flexible, allowing spouses the opportunity to work together at their own pace in creating customized solutions for their unique family situation.

3: Benefits of Choosing Collaborative Divorce in Florida

Collaborative divorce offers numerous benefits for spouses and their families:

1. Reduced Conflict: By fostering a cooperative environment, collaborative divorce encourages spouses to work together, reducing negative emotions and conflict that often arise in litigation.

2. Preserving Relationships: The amicable nature of collaborative divorce can help preserve family relationships, particularly benefiting children who need continued positive engagement from both parents.

3. Cost Savings: Collaborative divorce tends to be less expensive than traditional litigation, as it usually requires fewer appearances in court and limits the need for adversarial motions and discovery.

4. Increased Privacy: Collaborative divorce offers greater privacy and confidentiality, as negotiation meetings are closed to the public and discussions kept confidential.

5. Customized Solutions: Collaborative divorce allows spouses to creatively address their unique family needs, leading to agreements that reflect their specific concerns and preferences.

All these benefits can help create a smoother, more positive experience for families navigating the challenges of divorce.

4: When Collaborative Divorce May Not Be Suitable

Although collaborative divorce can be a beneficial option for many couples, there are situations where this approach may not be suitable:

1. Domestic Violence: In cases involving domestic violence or coercive control, a power imbalance may make it challenging for a spouse to participate in collaborative negotiations without feeling intimidated or unsafe.

2. Lack of Commitment or Trust: For collaborative divorce to succeed, both spouses must be committed to negotiating in good faith and trust each other to disclose all relevant information fully.

3. High Conflict: Collaborative divorce relies on open communication and mutual problem-solving. If the parties are unable to manage their conflict or communicate respectfully, this approach may not be the best fit.

In such situations, it’s essential to consult with an experienced family attorney to explore alternative dispute resolution methods or the traditional litigation route.


Collaborative divorce offers a less contentious alternative to traditional divorce litigation, providing families in Florida with the opportunity to work together constructively to resolve their disputes and create a better future for all involved. By understanding the principles, process, and advantages of collaborative divorce, you can choose the path that best meets your family’s needs and priorities. The dedicated attorneys at Dorsey Law Jax are here to support you in navigating the collaborative divorce process, offering expert guidance, and ensuring that your rights are protected throughout this transformative journey.

November 16, 2023

Navigating Child Custody Cases in Florida: Tips for Protecting Your Rights

Child custody cases are among the most delicate and emotionally challenging aspects of family law in Florida. Ensuring the best interests of your child are kept front and center while navigating the legal complexities can be an overwhelming process. However, with the guidance of top Jacksonville attorneys focusing on family law, you can confidently protect your rights while securing a path that maintains your child’s well-being and stability. At Dorsey Law JAX, we understand the gravity of child custody disputes, and our dedicated team is here to support you during this often difficult experience.

In this guide, we will offer crucial information on child custody cases in Florida, with insight into the state’s approach to custody, factors influencing court decisions, types of custody arrangements, and practical tips for protecting your rights as a parent. Furthermore, we will address the valuable role that experienced Jacksonville attorneys can play in helping you navigate each stage of the custody process, from negotiations and mediation to court appearances and appellate work.

At Dorsey Law JAX, our commitment to our clients is unwavering. We understand that your child’s well-being is of the utmost importance and that the outcome of a child custody case can leave a lasting impact on their future. Our knowledgeable and compassionate team of top Jacksonville attorneys will work tirelessly to ensure your rights are protected while advocating for the best interests of your child. Trust in our experience and dedication to support you through the complexities of child custody in Florida family law, giving you the confidence necessary to face the process head-on.

Florida’s Approach to Child Custody: Time-Sharing and Parental Responsibility

1. Time-Sharing

In Florida, the concept of child custody is approached through time-sharing, which refers to the time each parent spends with their child. The courts are required to devise a time-sharing schedule that considers the best interests of the child and allows both parents a chance to maintain a meaningful relationship with their child.

2. Parental Responsibility

Parental responsibility is another crucial aspect of child custody in Florida. It pertains to the decision-making authority parents have concerning their child’s upbringing, education, healthcare, and other essential aspects of their lives. Parental responsibility may be shared or sole, depending on the circumstances.

Factors Considered by the Court in Child Custody Decisions

1. Child’s Best Interests

Florida family courts prioritize the best interests of the child when making child custody and time-sharing decisions. Factors considered include the child’s age, connection to their current community, any specific needs, and their relationship with each parent.

2. Parent-Child Relationship

Courts consider the quality and involvement of each parent’s relationship with the child, evaluating if they have actively participated in the child’s upbringing, education, and care.

3. Ability to Facilitate Parental Relationship

The court also examines the ability of each parent to promote and encourage a healthy relationship between the child and the other parent, including a willingness to cooperate in adhering to time-sharing and decision-making agreements.

4. Stable Home Environment

The stability of each parent’s home environment, as well as their demonstrated commitment to providing support, nurturing, and guidance, is essential to the court’s assessment.

5. Moral Fitness and Mental Health

The court may consider each parent’s moral fitness and mental health, as well as any history of domestic violence, substance abuse, or criminal conduct, in determining appropriate custody and time-sharing arrangements.

Types of Child Custody Arrangements in Florida

1. Shared Parental Responsibility

Shared parental responsibility is the default presumption in Florida. In this arrangement, both parents have an equal say in decisions regarding their child’s upbringing, and both play a significant role in the child’s life through equitable time-sharing agreements.

2. Sole Parental Responsibility

In some cases, the court may award sole parental responsibility to one parent, granting them full decision-making authority over the child’s life. This typically occurs when one parent is found to be unfit due to factors such as substance abuse, extensive criminal history, or neglect.

3. Supervised Time-Sharing

In cases where the court finds cause for concern, such as the possibility of endangering the child’s well-being or safety, supervised time-sharing may be ordered. This arrangement requires a responsible third party to be present during the non-custodial parent’s visitation, ensuring the child’s safety and best interests are protected.

Tips for Protecting Your Rights During Child Custody Cases

1. Be Involved in Your Child’s Life

Demonstrate your dedication to your child’s upbringing by actively participating in their life, attending school functions, and providing emotional and financial support.

2. Maintain Detailed Records

Keep a journal or log of the time you spend with your child, as well as records of important communications, expenses, and relevant documents. This can prove invaluable during negotiations and court hearings.

3. Be Willing to Cooperate

An open and cooperative attitude towards working with the other parent speaks volumes to the court and can positively impact the outcome of your case.

4. Seek Legal Assistance

Acquiring the guidance of top Jacksonville attorneys can help secure the knowledge and resources necessary to protect your rights and interests during complex child custody disputes.


Facing a child custody case in Florida can be a daunting experience, but with a clear understanding of the legal landscape and practical tips for protecting your rights, you can ensure your child’s best interests remain paramount.

Trust in the experience and dedication of top Jacksonville attorneys at Dorsey Law JAX to offer the guidance and support needed to navigate the complexities of child custody in Florida family law, providing the necessary resources and expertise to secure the best possible future for you and your child.

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